Matching Donations

Double the impact when your employer matches your donation

Double your Gift

Many large organizations and companies like to give back to their communities.  They often will agree to match donations from their employees up to a certain limit.  If you’re planning to make a gift or already have, your employer may be willing to financially match your donation.

Corporate philanthropy and matching gifts results in more funding for our community programs. Donors love knowing their gifts went twice as far without needing to dig deeper into their wallets. In fact, 84% of donors say that they are more likely to donate if a match is offered.

Companies of all sizes start matching gift programs because it’s an easy, structured way for them to support good work in their communities. CSR (corporate social responsibility) is an important factor in how the public perceives brands and companies these days.

For more information about this type of fund raising.  Contact Us.

Christmas Hamper Program

We give without measure or obligation, without pity or judgment, but with love, and compassion, for a hurting world.