This edition is dedicated to the children, and youth in our community who have teamed up, and are doing acts of kindness for the local community. These children are selfless and have huge hearts, and are caring individual children, and youth. These kids are a testament to the
parents, and grandparents, and families that are raising them. It has been said that setting our “children” up for the “best” in life largely depends on their foundation. As parents we should be practicing what we preach, and this will hopefully shape these children into caring, empathetic, and kind human beings.
Because more than ever this is what the world needs during this pandemic, and always! How do we do that? We can all start by being kind to others. Treat one another with respect. Embody strong morals and values. Stand up for what’s right. Celebrate differences in people. Be an example of a good friend. Recognize when someone else is being kind and talk about it—explain why their act of kindness mattered. You are your children’s greatest teacher!
Special points of interest:
- From January—October 2020. There have been a total of 720 children served at our food bank
- During the 2019 Christmas Campaign 191 children received a Christmas Hamper.
- During the 2019 Christmas Campaign 234 children received toys & gifts through sponsorship, during our Adopt-A-Family Christmas Program.